The CQC and Care Inspectorate are independent regulators of providers of domiciliary and nursing care services in England and Scotland. Together, they ensure that the care companies, and their care and support workers, deliver the services they describe in a way that is safe, dignified and to a high standard.
Each registered provider is inspected against a set of published standards which assesses the services provided against categories of safe, effective, caring, responsive to needs and well-led. The CQC also provides a comprehensive description of how it manages inspections. Each category is rated either Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement or Inadequate.
Anyone who has experienced care and support by a CQC, or Care Inspectorate, registered service provider is encouraged to provide feedback on the care services they receive.
We are thrilled to be registered with CQC and we are immensely proud of our recent inspection which you can read here: