Personal Care

What is included in your Personal Care Service?

Each of our carers works hard to build up a rapport with all of our clients to tailor your personal care specifically to your needs. We ensure that your needs are met sensitively and discreetly, whilst preserving your dignity at all times.

  • Bathing, Dressing and Hygiene

We understand the importance of keeping clean and feeling your best. Regularly washing cleanses your skin and helps to increase circulation. This is great for individuals not only physically but enhances mental well-being too by making you feel better about yourself.

  • Toileting and Incontinence Care

The loss of independence in this area can be one that individuals may find difficult to accept and may feel embarrassed about. We care for you sensitively, helping you to maintain your dignity and self-esteem as you carry on with your daily activities. Through this compassionate approach, No Place Like Home Midlands helps to lessen any embarrassment felt with understanding, caring assistance to your toileting and continence care.

  • Transferring and Positioning

Our carers are highly trained in transitioning and positioning. Your needs are considered on an individual basis and each of our carersare able to move and position clients in the correct posture position to promote your health and safety. Proper transferring and positioning will also ensure that pressure areas on your skin are reduced as well as reducing stiffening of muscles, and encourages proper breathing and digestion.

  • Mobility Assistance

No Place Like Home care assistants will support you as you need to help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including assistance with exercises set by a physiotherapist. This will enable you to participate in meaningful social, cultural, and physical activities. We also find that encouraging mobility assists in creating a healthier sleep pattern.

  • Feeding and Special Diet

There are many reasons why an individual may be unable to feed themselves. Our carers can assist with this in many ways such as feeding, cooking, and preparing food in specific ways, ensuring we always follow the requirements of any special diets. We always take the time to find out your likes and dislikes and any allergies you may have to ensure your meals meet your expectations.

  • Massage

All of our carers are trained in massage. We offerhand and feet massage as part of our service. For those that suffer with pain in their hands and feet, regular massage is proven to decrease anxiety, improve strength and reduce pain.